Monday, May 30, 2011

Step into your Warrior Shoes and Embrace your Life

Do you have those days, or maybe even weeks, when you just feel as if one day runs into another? When you are spending your day just going through the motions, or feeling like you have no control over the things going on in your life? While some circumstances ARE beyond our control, I believe we do have the ability to steer our course. We can prevent ourselves from feeling like victims, and be proactive in our Journey.
For me...I tell myself  to Step into my Warrior Shoes, Take the Reigns,  and Embrace my Life.

Important Thoughts on Reclaiming your Warrior


So much of this relies on Self-Esteem, and it's an on-going process. I find myself occasionally falling backward, and then have to stop and ask myself..Am I helping, supporting, and inspiring Myself as much as I do others? This is a huge one for me, because I can slip back into those old patterns of taking care of everyone and everything else, virtually leaving myself no time for nurturing my own Spirit.
I keep an Attributes List ~ A List of my Strengths, as a strong reminder of Who I am:
I am Diplomatic
I am a Strong Woman
I am Full of Creative Inspiration
I am Intelligent
I am a Peacemaker
I am a Networker
I have the ability to Bring People Together
I am Caring
I am Compassionate
I am an Artist
I am Philosophical
I am a Caregiver to the Earth
I take Relationships Seriously

Define your Dream or Goal. How could you possibly achieve it, if you are not entirely sure what it is? This is probably the most important step in the process, because it is the Beginning.

Putting yourself #1 in decision making. In the past I would have thought this to be selfish...but I have come to learn... who better to take care of me, than me?

Be your own Life Coach. Cheer yourself on when you are accomplishing your goals, and inspire yourself when there are challenges.

Manage your relationships, and attract people into your life that are positive forces.

Ask yourself...Do my actions match my dreams? Am I actually taking steps to realize my goals?

Don't compare your journey or status to that of others. As soon as we do this, we set up ourselves up for feeling as if we are lacking. Each of our journeys are different and rich in their own ways.

A long time ago when I was meeting a friend, as soon as he saw me said..."Watch out, her hair is up. Things will be a changing". And so, again...time to put my hair up and put on my Warrior Shoes.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Perseverance ~ We're all in this Together

I have been reflecting this past week on the economic slump our country (and world community) has been in these past two to three years. A lot of focus and debate has been had by the experts on why it has happened and how to improve it, but not as much attention has been paid to the effects it has had on us mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.
I have watched people close to me over this period of time go through a series of changes to their spirit, that sometimes I don't even think we are always aware of consciously. I have seen some of the most amazing artists step away from their art, feeling a loss of inspiration and drive. I have watched friends with a strong and secure base have it yanked out from underneath them leaving them in shock. I have watched teachers put under extreme stress of keeping their jobs while at the same time trying to be an inspiration to their students. People losing their homes, that place where you go at the end of the day to rejuvenate and heal the soul. The loss of jobs, homes, careers, financial security, and faith has been widespread and harsh.

So, what now? I can't even pretend to know, except that we take it one day at a time, one moment to the next. That we reach down to the deepest core within us and know that this to will change, maybe not in the way we think, but it will.
This is the time to truly connect with our own intuitive sense, to connect with your passion, because I feel like it can guide us through this leg of the journey. Along the way, take the hand of your friend, and assist them. We need one another, now more than ever. We're all in this together.

Perseverance : Mare and Maiden ~ For Strength and Free Spirit

I look to Nature to help with a grounding balance when the world seems overwhelming. It can change your perception of things in a moment, quieting the mind so that you can re-focus. I look to the animal totems as reminders of attributes that can be helpful. And I Create in order to release, inspire, and share. Find those things that can help you find the balance you need, urging you to take the next step.
It is usually the simplest of things that can help us take that deep breath in and out and center.

Some of the easiest joys for me personally to experience that help me STAY me...
Walking Meditation
Visiting Gardens
Potluck Dinners with Friends
The Smell of Lavender
Movie Marathons
Connecting with Animal Totems
Helping those Around me

My hope when the economic tide turns for the better...that we find a renewed sense of ourselves and a closer human connection to one another.

**My original painting of Perseverance is available in my Artfire Studio here Perseverance Original Painting