Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Economic Times that are showing us all what we are made of...

A Shift began occuring two and a half years ago, slowly unraveling things as we knew them. A result of choices that had been made by the few, but impacted everyone in it's path. Our material foundations left on shaky grounds, encompassed us in fear. Some needed only make a few small adjustments, while others were severely impacted. Either way, I don't know one person that hasn't been effected.
The Dominos began to fall.

In it's wake I have watched so many people, of varying statures, fall. Losing homes, cars, jobs, self esteem, ambition, and their sense of Self. People have become frustrated and angry, placing themselves inside a bubble. At a time when we all need one another to lift our communities back up, I find many  have become self absorbed...driving as if they are the only ones on the road....pushing their way through store aisles with no regard if they are stepping on you in the process...their loss of self esteem now equaling a loss of regard for others.

Some have debated "Survival of the Fittest". I suppose there could be an argument either way on that, but I know in my cellular make-up, I don't believe that turning the other cheek on humanity is what we were supposed to learn from this experience.

We are all in this together. Each and every one of us connected in some way. When one falls, more will. When one steps up, the path is illuminated for others to join.
Our relationships with one another have been weighing heavily on my mind, and while I can't change it myself, by no means...I CAN stay true to authentic self.

 Because I will not allow these economic times to compromise who I am deep in my soul.

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