Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Symbolism and Philosophy of the Heron Totem Gathering

Herons are part of the animal totem kingdom that hold a special place in my heart. I embrace them for their ability to hold such beautiful balance and grace, especially because they can do so within the various elements of Water, Earth and Air. This diversity in their skills is representative of the person who is talented at many things. 
The Philosophy of the Heron Totem Gathering, Contemporary Folk Art Painting by Jeanne Fry

They have an air of Independence, with a courage to follow their own heart, knowing where they want to go and how they want to get there. They do so with grace, easily adapting to circumstances. The Heron is a wonderful totem to have when one is going through transformations in life, as they can teach courage with grace on life's journey.
This weekend I finished a painting called "The Philosophy of the Heron Gathering". In the painting there are four  herons (for the 4 directions)  wading in the rich blue waters. Three of the herons are facing in the same direction. One of the herons has decided to go in the other direction. He is following his heart. 
"Be Confident....Be Unique....and do so with Grace"

The Philosophy of the Heron Totem Gathering by Jeanne Fry

This original painting has sold. It will soon be available as an Art Print in our Artfire Shop here

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