Sunday, November 10, 2013

Emotional Healing with the Sea Turtle Totem and Reiki Symbols

My most recent painting is titled "Emotional Healing", and focuses on the Sea Turtle Totem and incorporation of Reiki Symbols. I was inspired to create a painting that would be soothing and be symbolic for the healing of our thoughts...feelings...and emotions. The Sea Turtle and the Water itself, both are symbolic of the Feminine, Motherhood, and the Nurturing that is involved with our personal growth and evolving as we age. They represent the ability to find balance in one's emotions, thereby being able to make solid choices that make both the heart and mind content. That balance also helps us to "ride the current", or ups and downs in life's journey.
"Emotional Healing" with the Sea Turtle Totem and Reiki Symbols by Jeanne Fry

As a Traditional Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, I decided to incorporate a few of the Reiki Healing Symbols into the painting, to amplify the healing effects. The Cho Ku Rei symbol is a power symbol, and was painted to boost the balancing aspects. The Sei He Ki is a specific symbol that is used for emotional and relationship healing. And I used a Contemporary Master Symbol, for Soul Healing and to represent the Light of the Awakened Heart. 

This is a powerful healing piece of artwork, that I envisioned could be used as a meditation tool, or to display in a massage therapist's or healer's office. The soothing calming color work and the symbolism is engaging and brings one to focus.

The Original Painting has sold. Art Prints of it are available in my Fine Art America online shop. They will ship directly to you.
Emotional Healing with the Sea Turtle Art Print

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