Monday, December 30, 2013

Creation of a Star Being, a Symbolic Celestial Folk Art Painting

Sometimes when you are gazing up at the night's starry sky you can see that some of the stars are shining much more brightly than others. It could be the size of the star, or it could be the distance of the stars, or it could be that you have spotted a Star Being.
"Creation of a Star Being" an Original Contemporary Folk Art Painting by Jeanne Fry

Star Beings are like angels of the sky. They help with wish making. 
The Star Beings watch over us. Even when we can't see them through cloudy nights, they are still present. 
They whisper answers to the Moon, answers that can help us as we strive for our dreams. When the Moon becomes is filled to the brim with guidance for us. All we need do is Ask....and Listen.

**This is the third painting in a Celestial themed series I have been creating.


Deer Totem Meaning - Connecting with Inner Wisdom Original Painting by Jeanne Fry

Humans have been enchanted with Deer since existence. While they have been the most popular animal with hunters for ages, I think the attraction to them goes deeper than obtaining their hide or meat for sustenance.
Deer have been symbolic for purity and innocence, and represent Nature itself. They remind us to keep our connection with the Earth and to appreciate each moment as it comes and be grateful. They could be considered the Master Teacher of totems because of the vastness of the lessons that can be learned. They are adaptable, and can live and thrive in nearly any environment. Their diet is diverse allowing them to live in almost any region. They can eat grasses, legumes, mushrooms, cacti, corn, fruit, clover, leaves, and acorns.
"Protection" Deer Totem Folk Art Painting by Jeanne Fry

Deer have keen senses and use them all, including their intuition. They use their perceptions as they journey through their day, but they do not allow fear to prevent them from "living". When they feel there is danger they will raise their tail showing the white underneath to alert other deer.

The family unit is important to the female, as she spends the first few days alone with her fawn, bonding. Even as the fawn are growing, they stay with their mothers for a considerable span of time - males stay for a year, females for two years. This is a reminder to us of the importance of Bonding time with our own children.

The Antlers are symbolic of Intuition, as they grow from behind the eyes. Deer teaches us to trust in our gut feelings, as our inner self always "knows". This sense of intuition allows them to protect themselves and their families.

Deer teaches us to reconnect with our authentic self, to keep life simple, bond with family, trust in our inner knowing, and be adaptable for survival. They are symbolic for the cycle of life, enjoying each moment, and being grateful. They innately understand being in the present moment and making the most of each of them.

**This is one of my original paintings that I have titled "Protection", representing the Deer's haven or sacred space. Here they can always feel safe, as the Antler Tree watches over them. The mother can spend the time she needs with the fawn, teaching it about the ways of the world.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Bears Mother Tree - a Safe Haven in an Everchanging World

The Earth is continually changing. As we humans spread out more and more we continue to ravage this precious land, and more times than not don't give back to her. Each living thing does its best to acclimate to those changes. Each animal finds their homes becoming smaller and smaller. They are having to learn how to live among us, and in doing so they lose pieces of their own animal spirit.

"Bears Mother Tree" was created to represent the sacred home to the Bear, a place where they could come and "be". This place is where the Bear can always come home and be remember who they keep their spirit not become "watered" down by the just be the Bear.

The symbolism in the painting brings the "Mother Tree" to life. The tree is painted in pale turquoise representing the richness of the Earth.The grey bark is for the wisdom she has gained in the changes of time. Two bears are visiting, one resting on her branch, while the younger one is climbing to find haven. Small tan leaves are opening at her branch tips, for birth and growth. Four medicine wheels are hanging in the branches, each with a Tree of Life inside. The tree of life is painted in white for the purity of our existence. Each medicine wheel has four feathers hanging from them for the balance of the Four Directions. Bear prints are painted amongst the limbs, symbolism for the bears walk of life. 

Living here in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains, I have a great respect for the Bear. For the past year or so I continue to hear more and more stories on the news about the bear population coming closer and closer into our towns. During the interviews people are complaining about these visitations, upset with such petty things as bird feeders being knocked down, or their trash cans being pilfered. The Bear's home is becoming smaller and smaller, and their food sources more scarce.
This was the inspiration for my painting "Bears Mother Tree". In my heart, my hope is that they could have such a place, a sacred place, untouched, where they can always walk with Bear Heart.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Luna's Moonflowers - Ode to the Night

As the twilight approaches and the veil is getting thin, the anticipation heightens... for soon our dance will begin.

This is the magic time, embraced by a blanket of stars. It is another world, a different world, a world filled with possibilities. While others are sleeping soundly, we allow our Mystic Spirit to connect with Luna who glows so stoically in the sky.
She urges us to trust in our "knowing", and to feel confident in doing so. These sweet hours allow for uninterrupted thinking. They are the bridge between our conscious and sub-conscious. 
 As the moonflower only blooms at night, so does a certain part of our Spirit. Finding the balance between both worlds allows us to step confidently in our Self.

This is a Contemporary Folk Art Painting by Jeanne Fry. Done in acrylics on canvas, the woman offers a bouquet of Moonflowers to Luna, in thanks for the respite and knowledge she provides. 

This original painting is sold.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend Cyber Monday Sale at Conscious Art Studios

For those of you that find it important to Support Local and Handmade, we are offering Free Shipping for Thanksgiving Weekend and Cyber Monday at Conscious Art Studios. Each of our artworks carry a special symbolic meaning. When I complete a painting, I write a special blog post to tell its story. I will print a copy of that writing and include with with the purchase.

This year we have also added a Gift Wrapping Option in the online shop. If you would like your art wrapped for the holidays, scroll through the right sidebar in the online shop for the "Add Gift Wrap" button. The cost for wrapping is $4. If you have multiple purchases that you would like wrapped, it will be $4 per gift - just choose the number of items to wrap by increasing the quantity button.  
We can ship the art directly to the person you are buying it for. Simply add the recipients shipping information in the "Notes" section at checkout.

Gift Wrapping includes Gift Wrap, Ribbon, and Gift Tag with message)
 Happy Holiday Shopping and Thank you for supporting our art throughout the year. 
Giving Animal Totem Art is such a unique and meaningful gift for someone you love. If you don't see a particular totem in the online shop, you can email me and request it. I will do my best to create it in time to ship before Christmas. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

We All See the Same Moon - Seeing Similarities and not Differences

When I raised my children there were many ideals that I thought were important to pass on to them. One of the most important ones, was to see beyond our differences. As I myself was born with a birth defect that left me with a physical handicap growing up, I knew first hand the types of discrimination, misconceptions,  bullying and ridicule that exist in the world. My wish was that my children would grow up to see beyond color, disability, race, sexual orientation, and social class. I had many things I wanted to teach my children. Some were successful and some were not...but this very important ideal was learned quickly. I was always proud of them, noticing that when they were put in a situation where people's differences came into play....they saw the human...the things that make us the same, and the differences were overlooked.
I've been saddened the past few years (since our hard fall in the economy), that we humans are becoming more and more divided. Bullying, hate crimes, road rage, and an intolerance for others and their beliefs seems to be on a continual rise. I associate some of this with the economy decline, as I feel that so many have been living their lives in a day to day state of fear....and fear leads to these negative behaviors. I also feel that we are losing the art of communication. While it may mistakenly seem as if we are more connected because of technology, our young ones are losing the practice of effective and compassionate conversation. These two things combined isolate us in a sense, within ourselves...making it easier to fall into the trap of feeling as if no one understands us. Then, our differences become more prevalent. 
I painted "We All See the Same Moon", as a reminder of our similarities.
"We All See the Same Moon" Original Contemporary Folk Art Painting by Jeanne Fry
I tried to bring my thoughts to the canvas within a celestial scene. Four moon gazers are standing together looking upon the moon. Each of the figures are different, yet the same. They all have their own distinct styles, yet fit together in common bond. They are able to look beyond their differences and unite as one under the moon in peace.

This original painting has been sold, but it is available in my Fine Art America shop here:
"We All See the Same Moon" Art Print by Jeanne Fry

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Emotional Healing with the Sea Turtle Totem and Reiki Symbols

My most recent painting is titled "Emotional Healing", and focuses on the Sea Turtle Totem and incorporation of Reiki Symbols. I was inspired to create a painting that would be soothing and be symbolic for the healing of our thoughts...feelings...and emotions. The Sea Turtle and the Water itself, both are symbolic of the Feminine, Motherhood, and the Nurturing that is involved with our personal growth and evolving as we age. They represent the ability to find balance in one's emotions, thereby being able to make solid choices that make both the heart and mind content. That balance also helps us to "ride the current", or ups and downs in life's journey.
"Emotional Healing" with the Sea Turtle Totem and Reiki Symbols by Jeanne Fry

As a Traditional Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, I decided to incorporate a few of the Reiki Healing Symbols into the painting, to amplify the healing effects. The Cho Ku Rei symbol is a power symbol, and was painted to boost the balancing aspects. The Sei He Ki is a specific symbol that is used for emotional and relationship healing. And I used a Contemporary Master Symbol, for Soul Healing and to represent the Light of the Awakened Heart. 

This is a powerful healing piece of artwork, that I envisioned could be used as a meditation tool, or to display in a massage therapist's or healer's office. The soothing calming color work and the symbolism is engaging and brings one to focus.

The Original Painting has sold. Art Prints of it are available in my Fine Art America online shop. They will ship directly to you.
Emotional Healing with the Sea Turtle Art Print

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Conscious Art Studios Virtual Tour and Online Art Show

Welcome to all of our Friends near and far. We wanted to take the opportunity to give those of you that haven't had the chance to see us at an art show, a better idea of what we do on our weekends at we set up...our we interact....and a chance to view some of our newest artworks that I have not been seen by anyone yet.

I will be logged into my blogger account at 8pm Eastern Standard Time. Should you like to comment, say hello, or ask any questions about our art and its symbolism... I will be here to answer your questions. (Just use the comment feature at the bottom of this blog posting)

Have a little tour and see what our Conscious Art Studios art booth is like.

Our friends and collectors are always asking us what inspires us.....
Simply, it is Nature
Labryinth Classical 7 Circuit Design
The Beauty of our Landscapes
And Animal Totems...
We enjoy bringing the elements of our world and the beauty that surrounds us into our artwork. Color and Symbolism play a big part in this. The majority of our art seems to revolve around animal totems, I suppose because we can learn so much from them.
Within our art booth we bring a blanket of color, nature, and peaceful music to the senses.

This week I was inspired by not only nature, but the upcoming holidays as well. 
Having found several different types of feathers on my walks through our woods, I decided to create a few small paintings paying an honor to some of my favorite bird totems and bringing a gratefulness to them for their wisdom.
Feather Paintings by Jeanne Fry
Bald Eagle Feather Original Painting by Jeanne Fry

Bluejay Feather Original Painting by Jeanne Fry

Cardinal Feather Original Painting by Jeanne Fry

Night Hawk Feather Original Painting by Jeanne Fry
Night Hawk Feather Painting in Artfire Shop

As is it getting close to 8pm...I will be continuing to add more work as we chat :)

Owl Feather Original Painting by Jeanne Fry

The upcoming Day of the Dead holiday, Dia de Muertos, inspires me every year to create some pieces. I love ritual and symbolism, and the honoring of those that came before us. This holiday speaks to all of those things for me.
Day of the Dead ...Honoring


Now this next piece is not associated with the Day of the Dead, but does resonate with the time of year when we all become enchanted with tales of Edgar Allan Poe. This is a mixed media piece inspired by one of his stories titled "The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether". If you haven't read the story, I urge you to do so. It's one of my favorites. The painting is my rendition of some of the characters i the story. 

Thanks everyone for stopping in. I have a bunch more new pieces to add, and will keep adding them over the next few days. You can always check into the our Artfire Shop and browse around. 

Goodnight my friends :)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Honeybee Totem Meaning

The Honeybee has been gaining a tremendous amount of attention recently, due to their high importance in nature and the large loss in their population. Our human existence relies heavily on them, so I wanted to take some time to share their symbolic meaning.
The Honeybee and Daydreams of Honeycomb, a Contemporary Folk Art Painting by Jeanne Fry

The Honeybee is quite complex in its design, living skills, and social community. 
Life as we know it depends on the skills of the Honeybee. Their productive lives pollinate plants and flowers, many of which would not have another source of pollinating without the bee. They have the ability to "taste" through their legs, so when they land on plants they are able to sense if there is nectar available. They can store pollen in special sacks on their hind legs to take back to their hives that can be combined with nectar to make "bee bread", a special food source for the bees.The pollen also can attached itself to hairs on the bee's legs that is then transferred from flower to flower as they are foraging....thus pollinating. While it may seem that they are simply creating their hive and honeycomb for their own benefit, in the "bigger picture" other species of life (including humans) depend on their work. They are symbolic of Fertility.
Each bee has its own place in their colony, be it the Queen Bee, Worker Bees, or Drones. All of them have a vital place in their community, with each one depending on another.  This dependence on one another is just like in our own human society, with each person contributing. We can not accomplish our goals alone, no matter how much we think that we can. We all rely on others to formulate our "world". 
The Honeybee is symbolic for being able to accomplish things that others thought we could not. For a long time people were perplexed at the fact that the honeybee could even fly. His body is much larger than his wings, and it was with wonderment that this creature could accomplish flight. Although simply, the bee is able to fly because of the high rate in speed that his wings flutter. This lets us know that no matter what challenges we have in our path, there is always a way to overcome. Persistence and hard work will help us succeed. 

Their winter survival again urges us in helping one another. They huddle together in their hive, with the Queen Bee in the center. All the other bees surround her to keep her warm, knowing that she is the source of life. The bees will rotate around her through the winter, so that no honeybee gets too cold.
The Honeycomb has its own special symbolism, with each section being in the shape of the 6 sided hexagon. The hexagon represents the Heart and the Sun, reminding us of the importance of Balance. We must work hard towards our dreams and goals, together and individually...but we must also "taste of the honey". In other words, we should reap the benefits of our hard work, enjoying what we have created. It is the balance of work and play, give and take.It is the cycle of life, and enjoying each moment as it is given to us.

The Original of this Painting as sold.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wearable Art - Glass Art Jewelry with Contemporary Folk Paintings

This year I explored  various ways to use my painting collective in other forms of art. The medium that I am resonating with the most is using prints of my paintings in glass art jewelry. I am able to create pendants, rings, and earrings that feature my artwork and at the same to do at an affordable cost to my collectors. In the process I am finding "favorites" that collectors are purchasing, which is helping me get in touch with what people are most attracted to at different points throughout the year.
Glass Art Jewelry Featuring Contemporary Folk Paintings from Jeanne Fry
I have been creating many styles of pendants either Glass Pendants or Glass and Metal Pendants of various shapes. This has given me an opportunity to recreate more of the painting itself and they have resulted in stunning pieces of art on their own.
Eyes of the Elephant Glass Art Pendant by Jeanne Fry
Owl Butterfly Glass and Metal Art Pendant by Jeanne Fry
Spiral Raven Glass Art Pendant by Jeanne Fry
Once I was doing the pendants consistently, I began to explore with other jewelry pieces. Earrings were next. The excitement of seeing my artwork in such a small medium, the challenge was worthy.
Manifesting Crow Glass and Metal Art Earrings
Serenity Blue Glass Teardrop Art Earrings
Ancient Healing Garden Glass Teardrop Earrings
Now my newest exploration of the art jewelry is in metal and glass adjustable rings. These have been fun and are truly for the art lover who indulges in wearable art.
Crow and Flower Adjustable Filigree Glass and Metal Ring
Crow with Spiral Sun Glass and Metal Art Ring
Back View of Metal and Glass Art Ring
I'm sure that I will continue to be adventurous and explore more and more styles of jewelry for my artwork. 
You can see my current collection of art jewelry here in our Artfire Shop 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Finding a Direction..a Bear and his Compass

The Black Bear sits attentively in the foreground, contemplating which direction to proceed in. Seems he has been in this space before. The roads all seem familiar. Sometimes familiar can be comforting, but sometimes we need to remember that if it didn't take you towards your dream the first time it's probably not the right way to go now.  Careful thought is being given to the choices that lie before him. He knows not to proceed without using his balanced wisdom, so he chooses to wait and watch.
Finding a Direction, a Mixed Media Painting by Jeanne Fry
 When his heart feels the "knowing" and his feet feel firm and steady, he will make the right choice...and his dream will become his reality.

The Original Painting has sold.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sacred Geometry and the Goddess Within Fine Art Print by Jeanne Fry

The Goddess sees the intricate make-up of that which surrounds her, the symbolic meaning of each detail, and the Sacred Geometry that weaves them all together. When closing her eyes her spirit feels the richness of the fabric that constructs her own temple.
"Sacred Geometry" an original Contemporary Folk Art Painting by Jeanne Fry

 It is here that Healing comes forth for herself and those that she touches. She is the Divine Feminine, bringing the Healing Light of protection and peace to those she watches over.

The Portrayal of the Painting:
The colors of indigo and blues are used in the painting to bring forward a Soothing Serenity. The representation of the Moon and her Eyes being closed portray her intuitive sense. The Face that appears on the bodice of her dress stand for her Peace and Knowing. The Honey Amber Clouds in the sky are symbolic for her Creativity and Ability to bring things to Life - the Womb of Life of the Feminine. Her dress is created with Geometric Shapes to represent the Divine in Sacred Geometry. 
The painting was done with acrylics on a 12x16 Canvas Panel.

The Original of this painting has sold. It is available as an Art Print in my Fine Art America online shop here
Goddess of Sacred Geometry Art Print on Fine Art America

Friday, September 6, 2013

Animal Totem Ornaments from Gourd and Wood

Well, my favorite time of year is coming up...Autumn, and a whole new set of inspirations begin to fill my heart. I love the crisp mornings, the new seasonal foods, apple cider, sweet breads, and the colors...oh the COLORS ! Of course as we all begin to enjoy the season and that "nesting" feeling starts to set in, we have thoughts for the holidays. 
Now is the time I start making some seasonal pieces, and especially ornaments. Since I like to work with natural elements, I create on primarily wood and gourd. Being in the Blue Ridge Mountains, I decorate with a woodland theme, and animal totems are rampant in my work. For those of you who have some of my decorations, you know the ornaments go fast. I have a little collection available now and wanted to share them with you, as I can't guarantee how many I will be doing this season.
Animal Totem Ornaments on Gourd and Wood by Jeanne Fry
You are welcome to message me requests for specific animal totems. Available now are: Lizard, Owl, Crow, Bear, Raccoon, Eagle, and Moose.

You can find them in our Artfire Shop in the "Animal Totem Ornament" category. You can follow the link here

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Black Bear Totem the Spirit of the Appalachia

When I think of the Appalachia, the Smokey Mountains, and the Blue Ridge there are certain immediate things that rush to mind. While I most certainly have a love of these woodlands and am a mountain girl at heart, I also think of all the beautiful creatures that live among us.
Black Bear Spirit of the Appalachia by Jeanne Fry

 If the Appalachia could have its own animal totem, I think it would be the Black Bear. In my mind, the two are synonymous. These mountains speak to me of going inward, reasoning, personal growth, and strength. They seem to awaken parts of you that you had forgotten, and parts that you didn't even know existed. It is here that many find their own personal power and a clarity in their choices.
And it is with these things that the Black Bear wisdom assists becoming who we truly are.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Horse Totem, Healing, and a Little Girl

When an artist is in the process of painting, they never truly know how important that piece is going to become in their life. When I am navigating through my process, the focus is on sharing my journey, my growth, my inspirations, and accessing my intuition.
This week the focus behind my paintings was "overcoming". I was immersed in a creative frenzy, painting almost non-stop for three days. Each night my husband urged me to go to bed at a decent hour, but the palette kept my attention until 3am each morning. 
One of the paintings from this run was of a horse totem, named "Run Fast, Run Hard". There was movement in the strokes and a portrayal of speed, as the painting is motivating you to move fast and work hard toward your dreams. 
Run Fast, Run Hard a Contemporary Folk Art Painting by Jeanne Fry

Occasionally over those three days I would post a few photos of what I had been painting on our Facebook art page. As soon as I would share the photos I would go back to painting. My cell phone alerted me of a private message through Facebook, with an inquiry of interest about the painting. 
As soon as I started reading the message from my phone, I was engaged in a story, and knew that I needed to sign into the computer and give it more focus.
A mother in California was interested in purchasing the painting for her 9 year old daughter. As she shared with me the reason that she wanted it, my heart moved to another place....a place in my own past.
Her daughter Ashley has a rare disease that she is battling, Pediatric Sarcoidosis. A lump in my throat started forming as I felt the link with my own Lupus, as both attack random organs in the body. She told me how strong Ashley is and how she loves to paint. She has been loving horses as of late, and since her mom can't give her an actual horse, she wanted to give her my painting.

She included a link to the fundraising site they have set up for Ashley to help cover her medical bills so that I could learn a little more about her. When I opened the link, the tears started falling. When I looked into her eyes, I saw my own when I was little. My mind raced back to when I myself was so young, when at the age of 4 I was in the hospital and became an amputee.
During my hospital stay I had been given a gift by a stranger. The man had stopped me in the hall and had given me a painting of Faith, Hope, & Charity. I never saw the man again, but I still have that painting to this day.
I knew that this painting had to be a gift to Ashley, of that there was no question. The gift that I had received had changed my life, teaching me that love and compassion exist in unexpected places. My hope is that Ashley will feel that too, and always be surrounded by love and support.
This trip back in time, flood of emotions, and decision making all happened in just a few minutes. I soon looked up with the tears welled in my eyes and showed my husband Ashley's link. As soon as he saw it, he said "She looks just like you when you were little", and he himself was fighting back the tears. 
I'm sharing her link here, in the case that you might want to donate to her cause, and should you choose to you are not only helping her and her mom, but my own inner child spirit as well.
I am grateful for this moment in my life as an artist, as it has been one of the most meaningful exchanges I have ever experienced.
In Love and Light,