Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Spiritual Journey - Gourd Art Vessel

This week as I was creating a new Gourd Art Vessel, my mind was drifting. I was painting a geometric design on the front of the Gourd, in soft soothing colors of dusty periwinkle and cream. As I painted the shapes I noticed they began facing different directions. Along the side of the Gourd I had adorned the lacing with a strand of oval wood beads. While the wood beads hung in a straight line, the geometric shapes had a more diverse path. 

It made me think of our Spiritual Journeys, and how each one is our own. There is no right way or wrong way....when they are focused on the Higher Good for all. It is a journey of twists and turns, learning and growing, compassion and love. 

And along the way, reminding ourselves to enjoy each and every Moment.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful painted design on the gourd and description of it's creation (:
