I think that in every woman's life, (or at least every woman that I know), there comes a point when you begin to feel fragmented. Those feelings and questions to our inner self come up, asking "Where did I go?" "Has anyone seen those little pieces of me?"
Along the way, we often lose pieces of ourselves...some we gave up thinking we were doing so for the better good...some just got lost here and there. Life changes and relationships, give and take, and compromises can all lead to dropping these little pieces of ourselves until soon we begin to feel empty and may not even recognize who we are. When we reach this point, we often start taking inventory of our life and set out on a journey of self discovery and self recovery.
This time of life is what inspired my most recent painting, "Remembering Who You Are".
"Remembering Who You Are" a spiritual art painting by Jeanne Fry |
"Remember Who You Are" is a contemporary folk art painting, full of
spiritual symbolism, by Jeanne Fry. The painting is inspired by the
Divine Feminine and the Goddesses that existed in another time. It is a
reminder to those who are on their spiritual journey to reclaim those
pieces of themselves that they have lost or forgotten along the way...to
complete their portrait of "oneness" within. It is a call to honor our
complex spirit, the light and the dark, the happy and the sad, and bring
forth our authenticity of self.
This painting is dedicated to all of my goddess sisters, in gratefulness for how we support one another.
"Remember Who You Are" original folk art painting has been sold.