This week we had a visit from a Mallard Duck, inspiring me to share their symbolic meaning with you. Our visitor was a male Mallard, beautiful in his blue green colors. He happened to just come walking through our woodland tree line and across the yard to our home.
Mallard Duck |
As my husband and I were sitting on our porch, we were intrigued and watched with curiosity at this little guy. At first when he arrived, he took a walk down our driveway, slowly turning from left to right as he walked, looking into the woods as if he was looking for something. We thought by chance maybe he was looking for his mate? (Just prior we had had a blustery thunderstorm and wondered if he had gotten blown off course). Mallards don't mate for life, but they do mate for the season.
Once he got to the end of the driveway he walked back up toward our home, purposeful, directly for the porch.
He had no fear of humans, he was quite comfortable in fact. He was attracted to our front porch, and the flower beds planted around it. He spent a few hours walking around it, looking at us, looking at the flowers, and behaved as if he had been here all of his life.
Mallards imprint very easily and are very sociable. They don't like to be alone. This is something to look at if you have a duck for a totem ~ they reference to the need to be around those of like mind, where you feel comfortable and safe.
This mallard certainly felt safe with us. He spent plenty of time meandering around our porch listening to us talk, watching us water the flowers, even watching our dog who was enjoying her afternoon on the porch.
As much as the Mallard seemed interested in us, we were just as interested in him and his presence. Mallards are symbolic of emotions, as they are associated with the water element. They help in reminding one to take care of their emotional self, to nurture, and be easy on the spirit. They represent being able to handle your emotions with grace and strength. And after spending time with this mallard, I find they teach one to trust their instincts about others..and align yourself with those that have a kind spirit, fostering healthy relationships. (In Feng Shui, Mallards are symbolic for relationships and commitment)

And as evening approached, the mallard stayed on. Surprising us by walking up the porch steps and directly to our screen door. There he stood, for at least a half hour, as if waiting for someone to answer the door and let him in. We were amazed with his presence, continued watching, until finally we needed to go back inside for the evening. Several times we looked at the window, only to find him still standing on the porch.
He would take breaks and walk back down the steps to a nearby rain puddle, stand in it and drink the waters, then return to the porch.
When morning arrived, I immediately went to the door to see if our visitor was still with us...and he was.
He continued to spend time with us that morning, grazing for food in the moss near our trees, and then back to the rain puddles. He made many trips up and down the steps of the porch, talking all the while...until finally as the sun was shining brightly he walked to the end of the porch and flew off.
Now of course me, who always feels that there is a reason for everything, and finds a deeper meaning in life's actions, pondered on why this little guy came to visit. I think he was a reminder...a reminder that no matter what is going on in the world, what challenges you face, find solace in those loving spirits in your life who are kind, bring you comfort, and make you feel safe. Because in the's all about the love.